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Shift Chat

A device that helps bikers with limb differences improve their posture while riding.


Shift Chat

Keeping Nurses Connected.

Collaborators: Julie Steigerwald, Darren Sun, and Lourdes Tejero


Promote better care for nurses to sustain quality patient care.



Inspired by our teammate and former nurse, our team of three investigated over seven weeks how we might improve efficiency at nurse stations.

What we found was a consistent trend of point of care work stations: while this improved patient care and efficiency at work stations, it seemed to have an adverse effect on the community of nurses.

This and other insights gather in interviews and discovered in frameworks led us to focus on solutions for improving the care for the caregivers: the nurses.

Our most promising three ideas were presented with low fidelity prototypes to nurses we had initially interviewed, and after soliciting their feedback, we iterated our final design and presented a “looks like” prototype to our peers.

As I had previous Design Thinking experience, I led collaboration and brainstorm exercises for our three person team. I also prototyped our final iteration using Balsamiq.

We created a shift specific nurse communication application that would help nurses keep in contact, ask for help, or make plans throughout their shift. This application would be implemented hospital wide and on work phones. The minimal viable product would be this simple interface, where nurses can be added to groups by the Charge nurse.